We call it El Diablito, the little devil or Pikkupiru.
The little devil had a vision of a perfect Mexican taqueria.
Even if this little devil can have a bit of a sting, it is not mean at all. It’s a beloved character living inside the owners that has has been growing a long time, from a small idea into a place, where the food is authentic and the cocktails sublime.
El Diablito is focused on making perfect Mexican treats from the scratch with a pure, good heart; it’s where Mexican street food hits the heart and soul of Vaasa.
That path has begun. Enjoy the ride!

Late night soul? Cocktail & Bar Snacks menu is available after kitchen opening hours.

El Diablito is focused on making perfect Mexican treats from the scratch with a pure, good heart; it’s where Mexican street food hits the heart and soul of Vaasa.